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Scris: Mar Feb 23, 2010 2:15 am
de Dior
Gtech Pro Meter(iti arata cati cp ai in cat timp prinzi 100kmk..)
Aparatul e cumparat nou si folosit doar de o saptamana. Am decis sa cumpar ceva mai scump deoarece vreau sa vad pe pc tot ce fac cand sunt la volan. E micutz(pot sa fac si poze comparative pentru cine doreste) si in conditie excelenta. fata de un dino da cu 2-3 cp mai mult sau mai putin dar trebuie sa tineti cont ca daca testezi masina la 10 dino-uri diferite o sa ai foarte probabil 10 puteri diferite. Cautati pe youtube filmuletze sau cititi cu atentie descrierea.
Are o eroare de 0.1% si in general arata foarte foarte bine atat cp cat si forta gravitationala sau timpii de la 0-100, 0-400m.
Aparatul costa 100 de lire eu vreau 50 de lire livrat sau 40 de lire colectat din londra.

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"Gtech Pro is an electronic Performance Meter for automobiles. It's designed to make a professional test driver out of anybody. All you have to do is plug it in a cigarette lighter, mount it to the windshield and start accelerating. Gtech Pro does the rest automatically and displays the results. It's a great way to get performance and safety information about you car. Gtech are very proud of the all new Gtech Pro. The responses to the Pro has been phenomenal. Magazines are raving about it. Customers are loving it. New Digital Signal Processing algorithms coupled with Gold Plated Circuitry and a Precision Silicon Accelerometer insure impeccable accuracy.
What can it do?
Gtech Pro takes advantage of many different measurements that can be gathered from acceleration over time. For Horsepower measurement the user has to input the weight of the vehicle. We utilize what we call "Intuitive User Interface". To input weight all you have to do is simply tilt Gtech Pro up and the numbers will increase and if you tilt it down the numbers will decrease. Further you tilt it faster the numbers change.

In Horsepower mode Gtech Pro will display currently delivered horsepower during acceleration and then when you slow down it will display maximum delivered horsepower.
All the measurements are performed automatically. All you have to do is push the button indicating to Gtech Pro that you are ready and then Gtech Pro will zero-out and display -GO-. Then simply start accelerating. Gtech Pro will know your speed and distance at any given moment and stop the measurement at 60 mph or 1/4 mile point.

While measuring Lateral or Longitudinal G's user has the choice of Instantaneous or Continuous mode. Instantaneous G's are great for analyzing when tires lost traction during braking and cornering or measuring any other kind of G-load. Continuous G's are designed for standard skid pad handling measurements of Lateral G's.

When measuring Braking distance in feet user doesn't have to start braking exactly at 60 mph. Gtech Pro knows the speed always and it will only measure distance from 60-0 mph even if you started braking at 65 mph for example.

How does it work?
The heart of the Gtech Pro is a precision silicon accelerometer. An accelerometer is a sensor that measures acceleration, also known as G-Force. G-Force is what's keeping you in your seat as you are reading these words and if it wasn't for the seat you would be accelerating to the ground at 1G (32 feet per second per second).

Gtech Pro measures your speed and distance traveled by integrating acceleration over time. Basically, if you know how fast you are accelerating for a certain time period you'll know how much your speed has changed after that time period. So, if you start of from zero speed then you'll know what your speed is after every time period. These time periods are very small (2.5 milliseconds) and that's how Gtech Pro maintains its accuracy.

Distance is measured in the same fashion, if you know how fast you are going for a certain time period you will know what is the distance traveled during that time period.

Gtech Pro also measures delivered Horsepower, sometimes called Rear Wheel Horsepower. This horsepower includes the loss of power through the drivetrain which is usually 10-15%. The formula for Horsepower is speed times acceleration times the weight of the vehicle.

What's the accuracy?
The best way to look at accuracy is in two different ways. Resolution is the smallest segment of a given measurement that Gtech Pro can sense. Real Life accuracy is the worst case scenario to be expected in your measurements. The difference between Resolution and Real Life accuracy is the result of noise, temperature dependency, vibration and other elements that influence the accelerometer and other internal electronic circuitry.

Our accelerometer is one of the best in the world. It starts out as a 1/8 inch silicone cube. Then it's laser sliced in to a sandwich with the critical mass in the middle. It sits in the specially designed silicone gel with dampening characteristics tailored for automotive dynamics. On top of all this there is a special accelerometer enclosure with grounded metal layer for EMI shielding. At Tesla Electronics Inc. they believe that the best way to insure accuracy is to get a good, clean signal from the outside world and that's why the accelerometer in the Gtech Pro costs more than all other parts put together. "