Plan Pe Trei Ani: Mitsubishi Vrea Să Lanseze 11 Modele Noi

Generalitati vis-a-vis de automobilele Mitsubishi
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Membru din: Joi Ian 02, 2014 1:32 pm
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Mesaj de Vasea » Joi Oct 19, 2017 7:03 pm

Plan pe trei ani: Mitsubishi vrea să lanseze 11 modele noi în Europa și SUA ... 80473.html

Mitsubishi a anunțat că vrea să lanseze 11 modele noi în următorii trei ani, atât în Europa, cât și în Statele Unite.

Mitsubishi Motors a prezentat un plan pe trei ani prin care vrea să își sporească vânzările globale cu 40% și veniturile cu 30% prin lansarea unor noi modele. Compania țintește și o creștere rapidă pe piețele din SUA, China și sud-estul Asiei.

Astfel, japonezii de la Mitsubishi vor să lanseze 11 modele noi în următorii trei ani, atât în Europa, cât și în Statele Unite, printre care și viitorul Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross. Pentru asta, compania va mări investițiile în cercetare și dezvoltare cu 50% în această perioadă, până la 1.19 miliarde de dolari.

“Este un program ambițios prin care dorim să ne întărim poziția pe segmentele în creștere și pe piețele unde brandul nostru are potențial”, a spus CEO-ul Osamu Masuko.

Programul “Drive for Growth” este primul plan de business al companiei de când Nissan a cumpărat 35% din acțiunile Mitsubishi, în 2016.

Anul trecut, compania japoneză a fost implicată într-un scandal provocat de manipularea datelor privind consumul la o serie de autovehicule. Acum, prioritățile Mitsubishi sunt reconstruirea încrederii în companie, lansarea cu succes a unor noi vehicule și redresarea financiară.

Via Autonews

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Membru din: Joi Ian 02, 2014 1:32 pm
Localitate: IASI

Mesaj de Vasea » Vin Oct 20, 2017 5:56 am

Mitsubishi Unveils New 3 Year Plan, Will Launch 6 All-New Vehicles ... -will.html

Mitsubishi has unveiled its new "Drive for Growth" plan which calls on the automaker to launch several new models and increase investments into research and development.

The strategic three-year plan aims to increase annual sales and revenues by 30 percent. If the company is successful, Mitsubishi will sell 1.3 million vehicles annually by 2020 and have revenues of 2.5 trillion yen ($22.1 billion).

The plan also calls on the company to investment more than 600 billion yen ($5.3 billion) into capital expenditures and research and development. Despite the massive investments, Mitsubishi says it will "maintain financial discipline and generate positive free cash flow during the period."

Globally, Mitsubishi will launch 11 new or redesigned models including the Eclipse Cross and the XPANDER. Six of these vehicles will be "entirely new" and the company expects to introduce approximately two vehicles every year.

Mitsubishi went on to say the company will launch an electric kei car in 2020 and by the end of the plan, "the company expects its five best-selling global models ... to account for 70% of total sales volume."

Besides introducing new vehicles, Mitsubishi will launch an expansion drive in China, Japan, and The United States. In America, the company will improve its dealership network with the aim of increasing sales to 130,000 units in the 2019 fiscal year.

In a statement, Mitsubishi Motors CEO Osamu Masuko said "We will rebuild trust in our company as our highest priority, successfully launch new vehicles, and achieve a V-shaped financial recovery. These will be the foundations for our future sustainable growth, which will involve increased capital expenditure and product development spending."

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Membru din: Joi Ian 02, 2014 1:32 pm
Localitate: IASI

Mesaj de Vasea » Sâm Oct 21, 2017 6:00 am

Mitsubishi Motors lanseaza Drive for Growth, un restart al companiei din punct de vedere al profitabilitatii ... 55758.html

Mitsubishi Motors a lansat Drive for Growth, un plan strategic de trei ani vizand o crestere de peste 30% atat in vanzarile de unitati anuale la 1,3 milioane de vehicule, cat si in venituri la 2,5 trilioane de yeni (cca 22.1 miliarde de dolari).

Conform planului, Mitsubishi Motors isi propune sa atinga o marja de profit operationala de 6% sau mai mult pana la sfarsitul anului fiscal 2019, de la 0,3% in anul fiscal 2016. Planul combina un program de reinnoire a produsului cu o crestere a pietei si o imbunatatire a eficientei operationale.

Planul Drive for Growth implica investitii care se vor ridica la mai mult de 600 de miliarde de yeni (cca 5.3 miliarde de dolari), simultan cu o disciplina in cheltuieli. Aceasta disciplina financiara va genera fluxuri de numerar pozitive in perioada respectiva.

Ca parte a investitiei sale, Mitsubishi Motors intentioneaza sa-si consolideze SUV-urile si pick-up-urile cu tractiune integrala si sa lanseze alte 11 modele, inclusiv XPANDER si Eclipse Cross. Sase dintre aceste noi masini vor fi absolut noi, iar compania se asteapta sa mentina cadenta de lansare a doua automobile in fiecare an. Pana la sfarsitul planului, compania se asteapta ca cele cinci modele globale cele mai bine vandute, compuse din SUV, 4WD si vehicule electrice hibride plug-in (PHEV), sa reprezinte 70% din volumul total al vanzarilor. Reflectand trecerea la modelele cu emisii scazute, compania a anuntat, de asemenea, ca intentioneaza sa furnizeze solutii electrificate pe toata gama de modele de baza, inclusiv o masina electrica (kei car) in 2020.

Programul de reinnoire a produselor va coincide cu o extindere a pietei in regiunea ASEAN, Oceania, Statele Unite, China si Japonia.

In cadrul programului Drive for Growth, Mitsubishi Motors vizeaza o cota de piata de 10% in ASEAN. Activitatile de vanzari vor fi consolidate in SUA. Prezenta companiei in China va fi consolidata prin introducerea de modele cum ar fi Outlander si Eclipse Cross. Si compania va investi in reteaua de vanzari si portofoliul de produse pentru a reveni la profitabilitate in Japonia pana la sfarsitul planului.

Mitsubishi Motors va contribui cu expertiza sa in tehnologia PHEV, capabilitatile sale in SUV-uri si pick-up-uri, dar si reprezentarea forte in pietele din regiunea ASEAN la programul de sinergie al Aliantei, care are ca scop dublarea sinergiilor anualizate la peste 10 miliarde de euro pana la sfarsitul lui 2022.

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Mesaje: 496
Membru din: Joi Ian 02, 2014 1:32 pm
Localitate: IASI

Mesaj de Vasea » Sâm Apr 14, 2018 5:57 pm

Mitsubishi has 6 all-new models in the works, plus 5 redesigns ... redesigns/

Mitsubishi has revealed its plans for the next three years, and they're all focused on expansion. The company wants to improve unit sales and revenue by 30 percent, which would have it selling 1.3 million cars worldwide. It also plans to improve profit margins from 0.3 percent to 6 percent. This will entail an investment of nearly $5.3 billion. To do this, the company will work on reducing development and manufacturing costs and concentrating on improving in existing markets. But the most interesting part for consumers and enthusiasts: its expanding product plans.

Mitsubishi says it will have 11 new model launches over the three-year expansion period. Of these models, six of them are completely new, and the other five will be significant updates and redesigns of existing models. Two of the new vehicles have been shown already including the Eclipse Cross, a compact crossover we'll get in America, and the Xpander (shown below), a minivan-type thing that won't come to the States.

The addition of redesigned and new models should be great news for Mitsubishi dealers, especially in America where the company only offers two flavors of aging Outlander, and the bargain-basement Mirage. Fans of Mitsubishi cars might not have much to be excited for, though, since the company says it will be focusing on SUVs and trucks. In fact, it expects that its five best-selling models and 70 percent of its sales will be SUVs, trucks, and plug-in hybrids.

If we had to guess what the next four Mitsubishi models could be, we imagine that at least one of them will be some type of full-size crossover. Something sized similarly to the foreign-market Pajero SUV, but designed for pavement pounding. This would especially make sense given other companies entering that space such as VW with the Atlas, and Subaru with its Ascent.
As for the three other slots, it's harder to guess. The future Outlander will grow, and the Outlander Sport will shrink, so Mitsubishi will have its midsize and subcompact bases covered, and with a hypothetical full-size crossover, it would have a full line. Those three other slots could be cars, or perhaps specialty crossovers, maybe even a sporty one based on the e-Evolution. But they could also be vehicles aimed at other regions in segments that don't really exist in the U.S. For instance, they could include new microcars for Japan's Kei class of vehicles, or possibly ultra-bare bones, low-cost compacts for Southeast Asia, India and China.

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